Jean-Pierre Bouvet 2005 - TOWARDS A LAW OF THE UNITY OF DEPOSIT UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW, Part 1 & Part 2 : Preliminary papers, as delivered to Thomas Wälde and Elizabeth Bastida of the Dundee CEPMLP in 2005
1° - delivered in march 2005 :
- 2005 AIPN Study paper review headed 'Some Observations, regarding the AIPN Draft' on Unitization (12-14 march 2005)
2° - delivered in may 2005 :
- Plan of 'Towards a Law of the Unity of Deposit Under INternational Law, Part 1 & Part 2' :
Part 1 (Consistency of International Custom) is 3 Sections
Part 2 (A Conceptual Framework to Resolve Disputes) is 5 Sections
- Summary notice about 'Towards..., Part 1 & Part 2'
3° - delivered in june 2005 :
- Integral Preliminary paper headed 'The Conclusions of the North Sea decision (1969) and the Law of Delimitation' (may 2005)
N.B. - 'Preliminary' = Not Finalized
'Law of Delimitation' = general meaning
07:35 Écrit par Jean Pierre Bouvet dans < Towards... Texts >, papiers/Papers 2005 | Lien permanent | |
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